
In-App Survey Finds 45% of Surveyed Canadian 2SLGBTQIA+ Users Prefer Online Identity Expression to IRL1

TORONTO, CANADA, (June 12, 2024) — Tinder revolutionized how we make new connections, making it fun and easy for singles to meet with a simple Swipe gesture. The queer community, however, has often used the app in diverse ways. A recent in-app survey suggests that dating apps like Tinder may offer a unique, welcoming environment for self-discovery in Canada’s queer community.1

Beyond short and long-term relationships, Tinder may help foster personal growth and community building. For many 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals — the fastest-growing group on Tinder globally2 — Tinder can provide the opportunity for an inclusive space for users to explore identities, connect, and build safe, supportive networks.

Tinder conducted an in-app survey of LGBTQIA+ users aged 18-34 in Canada between May 31-June 5, 2024, with the data revealing the following key insights:

Here for a Good—and Safe—Time

  • More than 60% of respondents agreed that online platforms like Tinder provide a space for them to express their authentic selves.
    • From their sexuality to their gender identity, to the type of partner they’re looking for.
  • 45% of those same Tinder users shared that dating apps have felt like a safer space for self-expression compared to real-life.
  • 2 in 3 survey respondents agreed that it’s important that dating apps allow them to express both their sexuality and gender identity.

When it comes to exploring sexuality, gender identity, and preferences, Tinder can offer the freedom to discover not just who you are, but provide users with the opportunity to actively live authentically, sans judgment or expectations.

Whether due to religious or cultural affiliations, the expectations of friends, family, or the public, or continuing to explore one’s own feelings and identity, virtual interactions can offer both a necessary comfort and a celebratory community.

Keeping it Fluid

  • 1 in 4 respondents identified as non-cisgender.
  • 2 in 5 respondents described their sexual orientation as something other than gay or bisexual.
  • 86% of respondents are open to exploring outside of their historical dating preferences, indicating a willingness to open themselves up to a connection they may not have previously considered.

In an era of fluidity and self-discovery—one that’s not tied to past sexual or romantic preferences— freedom is more important than ever. Tinder's survey results suggest that for the respondents, modern online dating is less about checking boxes on gender or sexual preference and more about exploration and social connection.

This openness demonstrated by surveyed Canadian 2SLGBTQIA+ Tinder users highlights what makes Tinder truly unique: the many possibilities for users to define dating success for themselves. It Starts with a Swipe!

Friends with (real) benefits

  • 2 in 3 respondents agreed that dating apps are a great way to meet new people even when it ends in friendship vs. a relationship.
    • As gender and sexual identities become less rigid, platforms like Tinder may provide opportunities to  discover a variety of human connections other than dating.
  • Nearly 70% of respondents agreed that dating apps have helped them learn about the types of people they like and may be attracted to.
    • Dating apps may allow these individuals to express their authentic selves and connect with a community they may not have previously identified with.
  • 2 in 3 respondents agreed that online dating plays a significant role in fostering connections and relationships within the LGBTQ+ community.

This kind of community building suggests that 2SLGBTQIA+ Tinder users in Canada may be redefining how they use dating apps.

“Tinder is at the forefront of this approach, empowering users with features that foster personal growth and relationships of all sorts. With options to select from over 50 gender identities and sexual orientations, Tinder helps users express their authentic selves and connect with a diverse array of people,” says Dr. Jessica O’Reilly, Tinder’s Canadian Relationship Expert. “It’s no surprise that 2SLGBTQIA+ users are the fastest-growing group on Tinder, often coming out on the app before they do in real life.”3

But Tinder doesn’t assume to know it all, which is why the app actively enlists leading NGO partners, such as GLAAD, and now The 519 in Canada, to advise on Tinder’s work in the safety space and  provide input on how safety features and policies are implemented.

Whether it's forging friendships or finding love, Tinder can be used as a tool for embracing new connections, personal growth, and community building, which may allow queer users to find more opportunities to navigate their journey with confidence and authenticity.

1 Based on an in-app survey of Canadian Tinder users, ages 18-34, who registered in the past year and who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Survey ran from May 31, 2024 - June 5, 2024.
2 Tinder member registration data 2022.
3 A study of 1,000 18-25 year-old actively dating singles in the US, UK, Australia and Canada between Jan 21, 2023 and Feb 7, 2023 conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tinder.

About Tinder
Launched in 2012, Tinder revolutionized how people meet, growing from 1 match to one billion matches in just two years. This rapid growth demonstrates its ability to fulfill a fundamental human need: real connection. Today, Tinder serves approximately 50 million users per month in 190 countries and 45+ languages.

Tinder has been downloaded over 630 million times, leading to over 97 billion matches, a scale unmatched by any other app in the category. In 2024, Tinder won four Effie Awards for its first-ever global brand campaign, "It Starts with a Swipe."

Tomas Iriarte-Reyes -